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27 May 2024

Renaissance Italy roundtable: Bridging the Talent Gap - Coulter Partners fosters collaboration in Italian Life Sciences

Coulter Partners recently hosted an event in Milan that sparked vibrant discussions about the future of Italy's life science industry. Titled "Renaissance Italy: Bridging the Talent Gap", the event served as a catalyst for open and frank conversations, with the aim of propelling this diverse and thriving ecosystem forward.

The invitation-only roundtable brought together a diverse group of experts to discuss attracting talent, investment in start-ups and nourishing the Italian ecosystem. With a dynamic mix of attendees, the program fostered a genuine exchange of ideas and perspectives.

This was a chance to chat with experts and share ideas and insights with others in a relaxed setting.

Renaissance Italy roundtable Milan May 2024

Roundtable Moderator:

Giovanni Rizzo, Partner INDACO BIO Fund

Panel Members:

  • Lucia Faccio – Partner, Sofinnova Telethon Fund
  • Simone Braggio - EXTEND Board Member & EVOTEC EVP Head of Strategic Partnerships
  • Paolo Fundarò – Founder and Managing Partner, XGen Venture
  • Francesca Lazzarin – Client Partner, Coulter Partners
  • Marica Nobile – Director, Federchimica Assobiotec
  • Daniela Bellomo - Director Business, Development Division Ospedale San Raffaele
  • Alessandro Radaelli - Venture Partner, NLC Health Ventures | Founder at IMAGen Health
Renaissance Italy roundtable Milan May 2024

Key Takeaways:

Roundtable participants emphasized the need for greater collaboration within the Italian Life Sciences ecosystem. They highlighted the importance of expanding the talent pool by supporting first-time CEOs and leveraging their expertise. Furthermore, fostering connections and encouraging cross fertilization between established businesses and startups was seen as crucial for knowledge sharing and growth. Participants also recognized the pivotal role of incubators and accelerators in developing the still immature ecosystem and strengthening the overall network.

Renaissance Italy roundtable Milan May 2024

The positive feedback and lively discussions that filled the evening were a testament to its success. Stay tuned for updates on a second event in Milan this winter.

Renaissance Italy roundtable Milan May 2024


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