Welcome to Coulter Partners Global (English)

15 November 2023

Digital Health UK CEO and Commercial Leaders Breakfast

This week, we hosted our fourth Breakfast Club roundtable at our London headquarters.

The informal event gathered founders, CEOs and senior commercial and presented results of our ongoing psychometric study.

Our topic for this quarter was the profile of the CEOs and founders and we discussed the preliminary results of our ongoing psychometric and work styles study of this cohort.

Digital Breakfast Club

Thank you to all those who made the time this morning and contributed to the discussion including Kooth Digital Health (United Kingdom), NuvoAir, Hurdle, Datapharm, Cara Care, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, Aparito, Avegen, DRYM Health, Lindus Health, Cureety, Automata, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Hibi, Wysa, Liva Healthcare, Numan, PrivateDoc, Aide Health, Qured, Wolff Olins, Oxford Science Enterprises, Closed Loop Medicine and friends.

Please click here for more information on our ongoing psychometric study.


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